The Glories of


December 4th

Is there a promise to claim or a lesson to learn? Is there a blessing to enjoy, a command to obey? Is there a sin to avoid or a new thought to carry with me?

Adrian Rogers

Daily Devotional

December 4th

Psalm 85:7-13. Leviticus 20:7,8

Clouds of darkness of the night gone by…
Giving thanks for a new day, my gift of grace –
To You, my hands are raised, my heart cries.
Yielded to my Lord, whatever in life I may face.
Wonder of wonders, how He does Love!
Peace, love, acceptance, He gives freely to me.
Abundant, fragrant, gentle as a dove,
My King, Shepherd, Jehovah M’Keddish, Him, I adore.
Together, we will walk and embrace whatever He has in store.

A new day, fresh grace…

Surrendered to You in all this day brings.
Desires of my heart to please and Love.
You, above all else, my Lord reigning above!
You created and once walked earth’s sod…
Walking in peace not with a rod.
Man wanted to crown You an earthly king.
But they were blind to all that You were to bring.
Redemption, cleansing, contentment, and peace within.
My provision, Yourself, God’s sacrificial Lamb, covering my sin.
Praise to You, my Lord, my Jehovah Shalom, my Living King.

To glorify You, is what my heart sings.

-J. Goins-

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Lakeland First Baptist  seeks to glorify God by encouraging all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, discipling them in spiritual growth, and equipping them to make disciples of the nations.

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