First Baptist Church Lakeland
Valentine BanquetThe Men of FBC Lakeland would like to invite all the ladies of the church to attend our Valentine Banquet.
Menu-coordinated by Robert Hamilton
Bacon-wrapped Chicken
Potatoes Gourmet
Buttered Corn
Mimi’s Green Beans
Coconut Pound Cake
Chocolate-Orange Pound Cake
Coconut Candy
Attention All Men:
We will need help setting up the room to prepare for the Valentine Banquet.
When-Monday, February 12, 2024. – 2:00-5:00 pm – Where-Fellowship Hall
We will also work Wednesday, February 14, 2024 arranging the food for the Banquet.
We will be in the kitchen/Fellowship Hall area from 10:00 until after the banquet.
If you are not able to provide physical assistance for the Banquet, please feel free to contribute financially.
Make a donation to the church marked Valentine Banquet or see Robert Hamilton.