First Baptist Church Lakeland
FBCL | Fellowship Breakfast September 21st 2023
We gathered together with our brothers and sisters from Eikon Ministries for our latest fellowship breakfast. Roy ‘soup’ Campbell was our guest speaker, giving us his testimony and sharing with us the impact Jesus has had on his life. Hearing about his many, many mission trips into hostile, and most often dangerous areas throughout the world, reminding us of the commandment that our Lord Jesus gave to each of us.
Pray, Give, Go. This is how we can impact the world right where we are. Pray for those in our sphere of influence that need salvation. Give generously with your time, resources, and talents. Go, seeking opportunities to serve others selflessly, just as Jesus did during his first time with us.
Go tell the world about him and what He has done for us. We all have a personal testimony how Christ saved us from an eternal separation from God.
As brother Roy expressed the excitement and sincerity of sharing the gospel with a lost world, he showed us that being a missionary doesn’t necessarily mean traveling to a foreign country or going to remote villages. Remember that being a missionary is not reserved for a select few; it’s a call for all who follow Christ. Through our prayers, giving and serving we can bring the message of salvation to those around us right where we are. We often underestimate the power and influence we have in our own communities and workplaces. By following Jesus with a desire for holy living, we can share the love of Christ through our actions and words, we have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on those around us.