The Glories of


December 18th

Is there a promise to claim or a lesson to learn? Is there a blessing to enjoy, a command to obey?  Is there a sin to avoid or a new thought to carry with me?

Adrian Rogers

Daily Devotional

December 18th

John 17:20-26 | Jeremiah 23:3-4
O glorious wonder of the night –
Prayers of my Lord Savior on His throne.
He tenderly cares for His own,
Holds them securely in His hand tight.
Creation also tells of His power and might.
O glorious wonder of the sight!
Yes, the One who spoke, and it was done,
He is my Lord Savior, God’s Only Son.
Love began before time was born.

God’s Son was birthed on that first Christmas morn.
He came to ransom me from sin’s fall.
Christ Jesus, the God-Man was born in a manger stall.

Truth was spoken to all He warned.
He desires that man trust Him and be reborn.
His Word is true, His Love is pure,
His faithfulness and peace will eternity endure.

I bow.

J. Goins

“We have great demands, but Christ has great supplies.”    C.H. Spurgeon

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Lakeland First Baptist  seeks to glorify God by encouraging all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, discipling them in spiritual growth, and equipping them to make disciples of the nations.

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