The Glories of


December 13th

Is there a promise to claim or a lesson to learn? Is there a blessing to enjoy, a command to obey?  Is there a sin to avoid or a new thought to carry with me?

Adrian Rogers

Daily Devotional

December 13th

John 1:7-14 | Acts 16:31

It was an ordinary day when my Savior died…
Mankind walked this earth filled with lust and pride.
He carried my cross to Calvary’s hill –
They drove nails in His hands and feet.

All creation heard Jesus’ sinless cry as He paid my sinful bill.

They pierced His side, spit in His face.
Jesus, the God-Man died for humanity.
God the Father was pleased with the payment made.
It was an ordinary day when a way was made for man to be saved.
Thank You, dear Redeemer, for that day so long ago!
Still fresh today – When Love offered eternal Life to all who believe.

By faith, You make it so!

I bow.

J. Goins

“More about Jesus let me learn, more of His holy will discern, Spirit of God, my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me.”

If you missed a day or would like to go directly to another devotional in this series you can select that day here below.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

About Lakeland FBC

Lakeland First Baptist  seeks to glorify God by encouraging all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, discipling them in spiritual growth, and equipping them to make disciples of the nations.

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