The Glories of
December 11th
Is there a promise to claim or a lesson to learn? Is there a blessing to enjoy, a command to obey? Is there a sin to avoid or a new thought to carry with me?
Adrian Rogers
Daily Devotional
December 11th
Look up, my soul, to Your Glory above.
You came down and spilled Your unconditional Love,
From Your Holy Glory in Your heavenly sky.
Wonder of wonders why You left Your throne to die.
God became man…what a perfect redeemable plan!
My Christ Jesus, the God-Man, gave His perfect sinless blood for me.
Yes, my friend, look up, too, and offer the sinners plea.
He is the only redeemable One who has died for Thee.
Receive His cleansing forgiveness and Risen Life meant for your eternity.
Then you can look down from above from His Glory with Him.
Crucified, buried, risen, united forever with One who died on the Tree.
With eyes of faith seeing yourself in Him, being what He created you to be.
I bow
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Lakeland First Baptist seeks to glorify God by encouraging all people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, discipling them in spiritual growth, and equipping them to make disciples of the nations.
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Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament sheweth his handywork.